Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Small update

The condo is coming along nicely but taking longer than expected. However I'm settling in well, although have not played much poker. In fact since Nov 10th I've played 5 SNGs, winning all of them, LOL.

I decided I will continue this blog, I had too many positive messages via email not to.. surprisingly most came from people I don't know, rather than people I do. I think that just reinforces what I said in my previous post. It's all good, at least I know where I stand now.

I'll post some pictures up of the finished article sometime weekend next. I've been thinking of naming the Condo "Fish Towers", in honour of all those who helped pay for it, but I will resist putting JPK lettering on the front door, and trust me, I almost decided to do it, how much of a mark am I? :-)


PS I have added a link for Dial-A-Dealer, which is an independent start-up company that provides dealers/equipment for private poker functions. It is run by a friend of the family. So if you are planning (or want to plan) your own poker event, be sure to check them out and see what they can do for you.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Messenger = Blokkado; Back in Tampa

Well I'm back in Florida and the 3 weeks I was forced to spend in the UK was beyond depressing. I did manage to have a fun weekend in London watching NFL inbetween, but that aside it was extremely dull. Weather is high 70s here, I'll take that!

I close the condo on Monday and it will be fully furbished by Wednesday. It'll be another week after that until it's kitted out with all my stuff but it should be fun nonetheless. I'll be sure to post some pictures up towards the end of next week.

Onto poker and I have a decision that probably not many people will care about but I will print it here so everyone who knows me, knows. I have decided to pretty much block everyone I know in poker from Messenger (& stop posting on forums as an added extra, I get approx. zero out of it for my time), and nearly full stop from my life. Over the past couple of months I've spoken less and less to people in the same profession and the results have been astounding. I'm not going out and blowing ridiculous amounts of money, not being tempted by gambling and a copius amount of other things including actually WINNING.

Messenger is the big one though. The attitude of some of you people on there is ridiculous. If you're doing your conkers, on tilt, angry etc. TURN MESSENGER THE FUCK OFF. If you are online, people who know you may decide to contact you now and again. It's not exactly pleasant to message people who you think are your friends and be told where to go amongst other things. It's obvious you are not in the talking mood, so why hang around and bite people's heads off? Seriously, go and fuck yourselves you selfish bastards. I get people I know messaging me moaning all the time too, but I don't turn around and tell them to piss off because things aren't going well because they obviously want to get it off their chest and if I can help that's fine, as long as they don't abuse the priviledge.

But now, 95% of you can do one, basically. It's nothing personal, I have just realised I don't have time for the majority of people I know in poker. I used to, but your stinking attitudes have made me think fuck it. I could count the amount of real friends in poker on one hand and that's a stretch. The bottom line is I don't need you, and you don't need me. You are not my real friends and if you are, I will remain in contact with you. Otherwise you can hit me up on Facebook or something.

It's time to get ruthless and I am giving my full focus and energy to the tables and not the social/friends side of it. I have a life away from the game now and I don't have time for anyone who doesn't give a shit about my status and progress, which is safe to say, most of you.

Sorry if that makes me sound like an arse because I'm not. I've just decided that from now on, for the majority anyway, I am business-only for poker and nothing else. The handful of people that I conider my friends should know who you are, and that this doesn't apply to you. I'm not even sure of the status of this blog in terms of poker updates anymore, I'll have a think about whether I want to continue it.

Good Luck,

PS If you (still) want to contact me for whatever reason, you can do so via Facebook "Jonathan Farrer" in the Manchester network, or jfarrer69 at aol dot com.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Not much to report

I didn't make it 12 wins in a row but I pretty much broke even and then had a couple of small winning days. Not played as much due to my eventful London trip but the next week should see a grind before I head back out to Tampa to close the condo, the finances are all in place but some paperwork needs to be finalised. After that I've got to do the place up.. and I'm not sure if I'm staying for Christmas/New Year.

It's nice to have stuff other than poker going on as it gives my life a bit of purpose, sometimes playing poker all day everyday, even if you're WINNING, can leave you simply drifting. I'm beginning to diversify my time into investigating other investments and opportunities as I feel there's a lot to be made in foreign real estate & currency right now, but without grinding the bread & butter of poker I won't have any money to invest, so I guess that's where my loyalties lie.

Expenditure is going to be very small over the next year once the condo is kitted out (which will cost around $7k) so hopefully I can save up some money and look at other things. Or, I could win the big one and buy a place in 5th Ave. NY, or Kensington, London :D


PS Lewis - Thanks, appreciate it. Are you the same guy I met at the BF/Caesar's part at Harrah's after WSOP?

PPS Badger - online is okay to get an idea of housing.. but not Google... try Yahoo "Miami Real Estate", but it's all area dependant - I'd advise a condo over a townhouse due to the easier upkeep and the fact condos are far more trendy and easier to sell in affluent places which is where you should be looking. Tampa is 4 1/2 hours away so I can't give you specific advice but realtors out there are in a different league to the arseholly estate agents here and whoever you choose is likely to do a stellar job. It did take me a good month or so scoping out the place and referring to several trusted friends in the area to direct me to the type of property I wanted, both socially and appreciatively speaking. I advise your dad spend a while out there and buy in a well known area as buying out in the sticks may not guarantee a return on investment. The USD is only likely to rise in the near future, so buying within 2-3 months would be a good timeframe.